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COMP260 Game Design - game for Assignment 01

This is my assignment submission for one of my units at Uni.

Assignment 01

Move Flamey Move!

This is the 3rd assignment for COMP260 Game Design, this was made in partnership with a class mate, as part of the assignment requirements

Assignment 03


More recently I have been working on a personal project that is a procedurally generated maze puzzle type of game.

The idea behind it, is that as the player you need to find the right combination or blend of colours to unlock the goal.

This is far from being a completed and polished product, it is a prototype, it has the core functionality to make it "playable". And I would like to further develop this, but at this stage it is a case of;

"Here is something that I have made, I thought of a 'problem/challenge' and this is how I have solved it."

Amorphous v0.7.42 - Functional Prototype