Wood Working

Much of the woodworking I do are part of my Kink/BDSM projects, although some are not for BDSM.

Dragontail Whip Handle

This handle is a custom made piece for the Dragontail Whip I was commissioned to make.

Dragontail whip handle close up

From fence to workbench

So there came a time when I decided that I should stop complaining about the construction of the workbench I had been using to do much of my woodworking on and to build a decent and solid bench.

Well I got some salvaged timber that was once part of a fence (or three), some Merbau decking timber, I also used some timber from the bathroom renovation. After cutting much of this timber into suitably sized pieces, I had a real task of wrestling them together to form the bench top. And it did fight me, I had drilled a pair of holes in each piece so that I could "bolt them together", 750mm is a long way to screw a 12mm threaded rod (which I had to grind the leading end into a makeshift self-drilling screw), even using the drill it was a lot of hard work to drive them in.

It didn't stop fighting there, roughly flattening the top took a number of days and I'm absolutely sure the floor joists I used for the outside edges of the benchtop are an Ironbark Eucalypt. My plane would hit that and mostly just skate across it like it was glass. So short story long, after many days of roughing the top side and more for the underside (which my vintage scrub plane was a godsend) i was able to get to setting the legs into mortise and tenon joints.

The legs are made from paired River Red Gum and Ironbark fence posts jointed together with handmade (on the wood lathe) 32mm dowels set at opposing angles.

All in all this is a monster of a workbench that will take a hell of a beating for many years. I drilled a number of holes in the top and the aprons so I can use my homemade Hold-fasts to clamp materials on the bench.